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dynamic focusing中文是什么意思

用"dynamic focusing"造句"dynamic focusing"怎么读"dynamic focusing" in a sentence


  • 动态会聚
  • 动态聚焦


  • Design of dynamic focusing circuit for testing system of projection cathode ray tube with double beams
  • Phased array ultrasonic testing can accomplish dynamic focusing , obtain visual image , inspect component of complex geometry . also it can improve detection sensitivity , resolution and snr , so it has recently been highly recognized in ndt research domain
  • In this paper , at first , we analyzed the feasibility of dynamic focusing by interpolation method , and then introduced our particular design of digital - coding emission , dynamic filter , dynamic focusing and digital i / q demodulation in digital front - end based on fpga
  • It is equipped with 120w radio frequency laser producer and cti dynamic focusing , so there is smaller light point , and larger tange of marking . besides , its forceful laser power and unparalleled processing speed makes a accurate and vivid effect possible . it costs low and need no materials . the degree of the clearness and depth of marking can be controlled freely
用"dynamic focusing"造句  


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